Summary of language rights in Canada and complaint mechanisms
English and French are the official languages of Canada and have equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and government of Canada.
Services offered in person at the Abram-Village public library, the Dr.-J.-Edmond-Arsenault public library (Charlottetown) and the J.-Henri-Blanchard public library (Summerside)
Support services offered to early childhood educators
The delivery of the Community Cultural Partnership Program
Telephone and online traveler information service (511)
Road signs from the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Energy (with the exception of signs erected before the coming into force of the General Regulations, stop signs and electronic variable message signs)
All services offered in person at the Access PEI center. in Wellington
Telehealth Information Telephone Service (811)
Providing information as part of or in support of permanent or temporary exhibitions at the Acadian Museum
All services offered in person at the Acadie Museum