Summary of language rights in Canada and complaint mechanisms

Prince Edward Island 

Applicable Norms


French Language Services Act, RSPEI 1988, c. F-15.2
General Regulations made pursuant to section 16 of the French Language Services Act, RSPEI 1988, c. F-15.2


Prince Edward Island enacted its new French Language Services Act (FLSA) in 2013 to guarantee the provision of government services in French and to establish a complaint mechanism. More specifically, the FLSA requires that the government respond in French to any correspondence received in that language; hold public consultations in both languages and make an active offer of certain designated services in French and of comparable quality to services offered in English. The following are the designated services as of 2023:

  • In-person services at the Abram-Village Public Library, the Dr.-J.-Edmond-Arsenault Public Library (Charlottetown) and the J.-Henri-Blanchard Public Library (Summerside);
  • Support services for early childhood educators
  •  Delivery of the Community Cultural Partnership Program;
  • Telephone and online travel information service (511);
  • Ministry of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy road signs (with the exception of signs erected prior to the coming into force of the General By-law, stop signs and electronic variable message signs);
  • All services offered in person at the Accès Î.-P.-É. center in Wellington;
  • Telehealth telephone information service (811);
  • Information offered as part of or in support of permanent or temporary exhibitions at the Musée acadien;
  • All services offered in person at the Musée acadien;
  • The online application form for a public library card;
  • The online form to request an interlibrary loan from a public library;
  • The online form to suggest a purchase from a public library;
  • The online registration form for accessible public library services;
  • Contribute to PEI online application process;
  • General counselling services at the Summerset Home;
  • Financial review services under the Long-Term Care Subsidy Program;
  • Intake services at the Summerset Home;
  • Dental care offered as part of long-term care at the Summerset Home;
  • 211 telephone service.

The Acadian and Francophone Affairs Secretariat supports the provincial government on issues affecting the Acadian and Francophone community of Prince Edward Island. It advises the government on the provision of programs and services in French to ensure that they align with the service priorities of the Acadian and Francophone community. The Secretariat also administers the French Language Services Act and the General Regulations made under the Act.

Complaint Mechanism

Complaints regarding violations of the FLSA must be filed within 60 days after the date of the incident:

Complaints are addressed first by the French language services coordinators at the government institution concerned. If a complaint is dismissed or the coordinator is unable to resolve it, you may ask for a review by the Complaints Officer.

The Complaints Officer can be reached using the following contact information:

Ms. Darlene Arsenault
Complaints Officer
C.P. 58 Wellington (Î.-P.-É.)  C0B 2E0
Cell : 902-303-5500
Home : 902-854-3449



File a complaint

Let me guide you through filing your language complaint.

Do you know which language commissioner, or which office, you should address your complaint to?
